Explore Emotional IntelligenceThe Key Distinguisher Between Average and Outstanding Performers


Daniel Goleman
Psychologist and Author, Optimal: How to Sustain Personal and Organizational Excellence Every Day

Explore Emotional Intelligence: The Key Distinguisher Between Average and Outstanding Performers, with Daniel Goleman, Psychologist and Author

Emotional intelligence (or EQ), a characteristic first identified by psychologist Daniel Goleman and extensively studied since, is far more important than IQ in determining career success. And unlike IQ, it doesn’t purport to measure a fixed, deterministic quantity. EQ is the sum total of a set of skills that can be developed at any point throughout the lifespan.

EQ Trumps IQ

  • Studies point to a high correlation between career success and EQ.
  • There’s a strong “floor effect” for IQ in any role. For example, all software engineers have an IQ of 115 or more. This means the range of variance is very reduced for IQ and success. Emotional intelligence, however, varies radically among individuals.
  • Emotional intelligence competencies that matter for success include:
    • persistence
    • positivity
    • social perception
    • communication
    • influence
    • persuasion
    • cooperation
  • The higher you go on the organizational ladder, the more emotional intelligence matters.

The Four Domains of Emotional Intelligence

  1. Self-awareness: Knowing your inner state
  2. Self-management: Controlling and improving your own behaviors
  3. Social awareness: Tuning into other people (empathy)
  4. Relationship management: Dedicating time and energy to your relationships
  • Effective leaders master all four EQ domains. The competencies within these domains are learned and learnable. For example, emotional self-control is a critical competency within self-management. How do you react to crises? Do you remain calm or become agitated? In general, how do you perform under stress?
  • Consider emotional intelligence when hiring, promoting, and developing talent.